How to combat oily skin with the right moisturizer?

When you have oily skin, getting rid of excess oil becomes the number one priority in your skincare routine. But do you believe that this reduction can only be achieved through the use of drying active ingredients such as retinoids? In reality, the best thing to do is not to dry your face, but rather to moisturize it properly.

Finding a good moisturizing cream for oily skin as a key step for skin type.

Excessive sebum production: the main cause of oily skin

People with oily skin generally notice a shiny appearance due to an overproduction of sebum, a natural oil produced by our body. However, when produced in excess, it causes oily skin. According to Beautydecoded, sebum is composed mainly of triglycerides and fatty acids whose main purpose is to lubricate our hair and waterproof our epidermis, preventing it from becoming dry or brittle. Unfortunately, when too much sebum is produced, it can lead to other annoying effects, such as pimples and blemishes.acne.

Internal and external factors influencing skin condition

Some people are born with a naturally oily complexion, but external factors such as humidity levels and hormonal changes also influence the amount of sebum produced by our bodies. If we use overly aggressive products or stripping agents, this will encourage our body to produce even more sebum in order to combat these harmful effects. Fortunately, using products tailored to your specific needs can help reduce this overproduction.

Choosing the right moisturizer for oily skin

Choosing the right moisturizer plays a crucial role in reducing sebum overproduction. Beautydecoded adds that some people can experience excessive shine and dehydrated skin, especially if they use too many potentially irritating active ingredients such as hydroxy acid. What's more, having an oily face doesn't mean it retains moisture well. It is therefore necessary to use moisturizing products adapted to oily skin.

  • Apply once a day: Dermatologists suggest applying moisturizing creams once a day, preferably at night, as it's during our sleep that the active ingredients penetrate better and work effectively in our epidermis.
  • Opt for moisturizing, non-comedogenic ingredients: Ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, glycerine and aloe vera are recommended for their moisturizing properties without causing pimples.

Long live the Beautydecoded application to help you choose your moisturizing creams

Adopt a balanced routine adapted to oily skin

In addition to choosing a good moisturizer, it's essential to thoroughly cleanse your face before applying moisturizing products. This effectively removes impurities, oils and microbes that can clog pores.

Dr. Schwartz suggests combining moisturizer with a retinoid to maintain balance in your skincare routine. Breaking the cycle of shiny skin requires a balanced approach, so nightly moisturizing is key. So look for lightweight, non-comedogenic products containing moisturizing and barrier-boosting ingredients, and commit to using them regularly.

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