How to improve acne scars in 3 steps

Many people struggle with it and the resulting scars. There are several methods for treating these scars at home, but it's often necessary to consult a doctor for more effective treatments. My goal is to inform you about the various options available to you and to help you better understand how to combat this problem.

If you're not already treating your acne, I'd advise you to review your acne treatments first before embarking on the scar treatment, as acne is much easier to treat than the scars it leaves behind.

Key points

  • Identifying and treating acne before tackling scars
  • Knowing the different types of acne scars to adapt treatment
  • Use topical treatments and/or consult a physician for effective solutions

Step 1: Treat acne before scars appear

The guide to improving acne

Step 2: Identifying types of acne scars

To properly treat acne scars, it's crucial to know what type they are. Acne scars fall into two broad categories: pigmentation changes following inflammation, and true structural scars.

For pigmentation changesWe distinguish between post-inflammatory erythema (red spots on the skin) and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (dark spots on the skin).

For structural scarsThey are divided into atrophic scars (hollows in the skin) and hypertrophic scars (raised areas in the skin).

By correctly identifying the type of acne scar, we can tailor our treatment to effectively target specific problems.

Step 3 Improve acne scars

Atrophic scars 

These sunken scars can be difficult to treat. Specific dermatological treatments such as microneedling, hyaluronic acid and chemical peels or laser treatments may be required to achieve satisfactory results.

  • Laser Laser treatment can help reduce the appearance of acne scars by stimulating collagen production.
  • Chemical peels Chemical peels, such as those based on glycolic acid, can help exfoliate skin and reduce acne scars.
  • Dermabrasion : This procedure removes the top layers of skin, leaving behind smoother skin.
  • Injection of hyaluronic acid: An acid injection under the scar complements other treatments.

Hypertrophic scars :

This type of raised scar also requires specific treatments, such as corticosteroid injections, laser treatments or surgery to flatten raised areas.

Post-inflammatory erythema :

It's a common occurrence, usually appearing after acne has disappeared. Red spots gradually fade without treatment, provided the underlying acne is treated. Products containing niacinamide and centella asiatica can help reduce inflammation and accelerate healing.

Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation :

It mainly affects dark-skinned people. Dark spots take longer to disappear (around three months to a year) than red spots. To treat hyperpigmentation, you can use products containing retinoids, l'tranexamic acidthe niacinamidevitamin Cazelaic acid and other ingredients that target pigmentation.

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