Summer, synonymous with sun and relaxation, can also be a difficult time for our skin. Visit buttons Although benign, heatstroke is a frequent inconvenience that can turn these pleasant moments into a real skin nightmare. Often unsightly and a source of itching, they frequently appear during periods of intense heat. But rest assured, there are simple and effective solutions to avoid them and get rid of them quickly.

Understanding Heat Buttons

What is a heat button?

Heat spots, also known as cutaneous miliaria, are benign skin eruptions. They usually take the form of small, transparent blisters or red pimples. These pimples often appear in hot weather, mainly because sweat, produced in excess, is unable to evacuate properly due to obstruction of the sweat ducts. This blockage causes an accumulation of sweat under the skin, leading to the appearance of pimples. Although pimples are harmless and non-contagious, they can be very annoying, especially for infants and young children, who are more likely to suffer from them. The areas most affected are those exposed to heat and sweat, such as the forehead, neck, torso, hands, feet and skin folds like the armpits and groin.

Practical Solutions for Eliminating Heat Pimples

Using Aloe Vera

L'aloe vera is renowned for its soothing and moisturizing properties. Aloe vera gel contains antiseptic agents such as lupeol and cinnamic acid, which help calm itching. It also provides an immediate sensation of freshness and promotes skin repair by inhibiting certain inflammatory mediators. Apply aloe vera gel directly after a shower to the affected areas for rapid relief. It can also be used as a poultice for a longer, more soothing effect.

Gommage Doux

L'exfoliation helps to eliminate sweat accumulated in the epidermis, but it's crucial to choose a gentle scrub to avoid further skin irritation. Use scrubs with gentle micro-grains, such as those made from apricot kernels. A light facial scrub can even out skin tone and add luminosity, while a nourishing body scrub can soften and smooth the epidermis. It is important to note that the scrub should not be too abrasive to avoid aggravating skin irritation.

Maintain good hydration

Lhydration is essential to regaining healthy skin and eliminating hot spots. Drink plenty of water to hydrate your body from the inside out, and apply a light, non-greasy moisturizer to affected areas. Good hydration helps maintain skin balance and prevent irritation caused by sweat. Choose moisturizing products suited to your skin type for optimum results.

Wear light, breathable clothing

Your choice of clothing plays a crucial role in preventing heat rash. Choose light, loose-fitting clothing made from breathable fabrics such as cotton or linen. Avoid synthetic garments, which retain heat and moisture, increasing the risk of excessive perspiration and heat bumps. Loose-fitting clothing allows air to circulate and helps keep skin dry and fresh.

Fresh showers

Taking cool showers regularly reduces skin temperature and rinses away accumulated sweat. Use a mild, non-irritating soap for clean your skin without drying it out. After showering, pat dry gently with a clean towel, without rubbing vigorously, to avoid further skin irritation.

Prevent heat bumps

Keeping skin clean and dry

Maintaining good skin hygiene is essential to prevent hot spots. Wash perspiration-prone areas regularly with mild soap and dry your skin thoroughly. Apply absorbent powders, such as talcum powder, to perspiration-prone areas to help keep skin dry and reduce the risk of clogged pores.

Avoid excessively hot and humid environments

Try to limit your exposure to excessively hot and humid environments. If possible, stay in air-conditioned or well-ventilated areas to prevent your body from overheating. Use fans or air conditioners to maintain a comfortable ambient temperature and reduce excessive perspiration.

Using Adapted Products

Use skincare products adapted to your skin type and the season. In summer, opt for light, non-comedogenic creams that won't clog pores. Avoid greasy, thick products that can aggravate the obstruction of sweat ducts.

By following these recommendations, you'll be better prepared to face the summer heat and keep your skin healthy. Enjoy summer without the inconvenience of heat rash, and make every day a pleasant and comfortable one.


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