Sunscreen: This bad habit can cost you!
According toNational Cancer Institutethe number of cases of skin cancer in France has more than doubled. triple between 1990 and 2023, mainly due to excessive and unprotected exposure to UV rays, a factor responsible for 85% of cases.
Nevertheless, a recent barometer highlighted by the Fédération des Entreprises de la Beauté (FEBEA) and OpinionWay on March 8 indicates that preventive sun-related behavior has not evolved sufficiently among the French. Although 90% recognize the crucial importance of sunscreen for protection, a large proportion do not apply it regularly. This is because.., 39% of those surveyed think they don't need itThis figure rises to 46% among men and the 25-34 age group, underscoring the significant gap between risk awareness and preventive action.
Why apply sunscreen every day
It is crucial to wear sunscreen to minimize the signs of skin aging such as thehyperpigmentationfine lines, wrinkles and sagging skin. In my practice, I find that many patients don't apply sunscreen regularly, or reserve it for outdoor activities only. Yet even small exposures to the sun during the day, such as walking to the car or waiting for the kids to get out of school, accumulate over time and contribute to premature skin ageing.
Repeated exposure to UV rays The sun's rays damage the skin's structural support proteins and DNA, affecting the skin's capacity for optimal renewal and regeneration. UV rays also activate certain mechanisms that lead to excessive pigment formation and inflammation in the skin.
My tips for protecting your skin
- Apply sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or more every morning, even if it's cloudy or rainy, or if you're staying indoors near windows. This will become a habit that will ensure optimum protection.
- Try several sunscreen products to find the one that suits you best. Sometimes you have to try several before you find the right one.
- Don't rely on sunscreen alone to protect you from the sun. Introduce other methods of sun protection into your daily routine, such as wearing UV-protective clothing, a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses, or seeking shade whenever possible.
- Consider including products containing retinoids in your skincare routine, as they can increase collagen formation and reduce collagen breakdown, leading to thicker, stronger, healthier skin.
Complementary strategies for UV protection
To prevent and minimize the signs of skin aging such as pigment spots, fine lines and sagging skin, it's essential to protect yourself from ultraviolet (UV) rays. Here are a few tips to improve your UV protection:
- Apply sunscreen daily Don't forget to apply sunscreen with SPF 50 or higher every day, even if you don't plan to spend much time outdoors. This will protect you against accumulated UV exposure.
- Wear UV-protective clothing In addition to thesunscreenYou can also wear clothing specially designed to block UV rays. This will reinforce your protection against the sun's harmful effects.
- Use sun protection accessories Wear a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses to protect your face, eyes and eye area from UV rays.
- Seeking the shadow When outdoors, try to find a shady spot to protect you from the sun's direct rays, especially during the hours when UV intensity is highest.
- Include a retinoid in your skincare routine Retinoids are effective ingredients in the fight against the signs of skin ageing. They reinforce collagen formation and prevent its degradation.
By putting these tips into practice, you can significantly improve your skin's protection against harmful UV rays and prevent or minimize the signs of skin aging.